House Guest

I’ve always been a big reader and dreamed of having my own private library for as long as I can remember. One of the things that drew me to our house here on Vashon was the book-lined room with views out to the water. We’ve expanded the shelves over the years and now have all my books in easy reach from two antique leather wingback chairs. I’ve spent many a quiet evening reading from one of these chairs in perfect peace, feeling very fortunate to have such a sanctuary.

And then … we got a puppy. Not just any puppy, but a Puggle (mostly Beagle), and my private space quickly became his playground. First, he chewed through a half dozen rare leather-bound books I spent a small fortune to acquire. He then tore through the leather cushion on the starboard wing chair. Later he gnawed through the ancient leather base of the port chair. The kids would avoid me on the nights I would come home to discover another puppy atrocity in the library. I am on a first-name basis with an antique furniture repair place in Tacoma.

We ended up covering the chairs and putting baby gates across all the bookcases to prevent further damage from the little fella. Since then, the damage has stopped, though the charm of the place has lost some of its magic. Yet tonight, as the two of us sit together ruminating on the day, I think it’s become a good place to share after all…

5 thoughts on “House Guest”

  1. This occasional House Guest can share an additional thought or two about the Subject House Guest, even within the confines of this PG-rated ledger. He and I are in a stare-down chess game, and his short stature belies his ability to bring a lightning-quick attack at thigh level. My defense remains very Teddy Roosevelt-ish, “trust but verify” (as in I don’t trust him at all); my weaponry remains affection. Over time we’ll see who prevails. It’s never a dull game.

    1. I welcome the challenge. Eventually you will have to relax, perhaps reach for a glass of some purplish foul-smelling liquid, and take your eyes off the game. Then we will see about your Teddy Roosevelt strategy….

    2. Hey Rob – Sorry about Preston. I just got home and the little shit was up on my desk. He jumped down looking sheepish which is never a good sign. .The other weird thing is the Sonos system was playing “Every Breath You Take” by the Police. Love that song, but not on repeat! I swear we have ghosts.

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